Weekly Workouts

Weekly Workout (12/3-12/9)

I woke up Saturday morning with an ache in my left ankle. I thought that maybe I had some weird charlie horse type discomfort in the middle of the night and I just needed to stretch it out.. with a run? The run felt OK on the ankle but my knee started to ache so I stopped after 1.5 miles. Unfortunately, my ankle hurt throughout the day at random times. Sometimes it would hurt to walk on, others I didn’t feel it at all. I was able to walk on it the rest of the weekend but this morning I woke up and it was swollen! I am going to ice and lay off of it today and hope my Physical Therapist can recommend something today. Crossing my fingers that this isn’t anything bad. I don’t think I can handle another injury right now.

Monday December 3:
Physical Therapy
Rest Day

Tuesday December 4:
Strength Training- Upper Body
Bosu Balance (if my ankle can handle it)

Wednesday December 5:
Strength Training- Upper Body
Bosu Balance (again, if my ankle can handle it)

Thursday December 6:
Physical Therapy
Rest Day

Friday December 7:
Cardio- hopefully a run
NTC workout

Saturday December 8:

Sunday December 9:
Rest Day

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