
Hi! It’s me. I’m Back.

It has been over 3 years since my last blog post. I am not really sure why I ever stopped. I guess life got in the way. The other night, Brandon and I started talking and I told him I wanted to find something I was passionate about and add it to my daily routine.… Continue reading Hi! It’s me. I’m Back.


Weekly Workout Wrap Up (5/19-5/25)

Monday 5/19 Rest Day (In Mexico) Tuesday 5/20 Rest Day (In Mexico) Wednesday 5/21 400m warm up Strength: Push Jerk 4@75#, 5@85#, 3@105#, 2@125# AMRAP 8: 7 Deadlifts, 5 Hang Cleans, 3 Shoulder to Overhead @ 95# 6+9 Rx For Time: 800m run 3:00 Thursday 5/22 Intervals:4.36 miles, 44:38 2400m (10:35.11; 7:03 pace), 6 min… Continue reading Weekly Workout Wrap Up (5/19-5/25)

CrossFit, running, Weekly Workouts

Weekly Workout Wrap Up (4/28-5/18)

Sorry guys, I have been MIA, haven't I? Between work travel and a wedding in Mexico this past week, I have just been all over the place. I am sorry I have neglected my blog but sometimes I just want to get away from a computer. I work behind a computer all day for work… Continue reading Weekly Workout Wrap Up (4/28-5/18)